Thursday, December 17, 2009

Home is wherever there is you.

I feel like this blog has consisted a lot about home recently. I guess in a way, my life has as well. My favorite song as of late is Home by Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros, I talk about Oregon with anyone who will listen and I get crazy excited anytime I get close to going back to Borger. The latter is the main point of this blog, and also this is probably the last blog that Sawah will read while she is away. These past few weeks have continued to be crazy. Thanksgiving was not much of a break for me sadly. My grandpa was home so he slept in my brothers bed, my brother slept in my bed and me and my mom shared her new ginormous bed. My mom's room is the only room upstairs with no door, just stairs and a room if that makes sense. So when my grandpa wakes up at five in the morning, turns on all the downstairs lights and blasts the tv, I hear and see it all. Pretty frustrating not feeling rested over a break. It was like too little time to hang out with everyone I wanted to see (Ashley, Sam, the Shermans) but too much time to hang out with solely a few people. This week has been finals week and I took my last one today, Ed Psych which was crazy easy. Now it's just making myself busy so today goes quickly and tomorrow comes even quicker. I'm very ready for a nice long break for the next month or so. I'm tired of school, even though I love OBU (despite my past angsty update), I'm just ready to be away from the bubble for awhile, and not sleep in that stiff little bed either. As usual I'm excited to see my sweet sweet doggy and sleep with her in my own bed (Grandpa won't be there this break). And just relax, going to Leah and Daniel's wedding, substitute, hang out, play and all of that.
This year I feel a crazy amount of Christmas spirit. Last year me and my family were just not feeling it I guess. I wasn't that excited, my mom didn't put up the tree or decorate or anything, and there was just no spirit. This year however, my heart leaps anytime a Christmas song comes on, and I can't stand the wait for Christmas Eve with my big crazy family. I know that it will be the best Christmas ever. John's family is going out of town for Christmas to California, he didn't want to go because they're going to be gone for two weeks, which means he'd miss Dan and Leah's wedding, and he just wanted to be home. My family, of course, extended an invitation and he gets to fully be a part of all of our traditions. Let me list them for you, it's comical how many there are, and I guess that's why I love it.
1. We open all the presents on Christmas Eve
2. It's always at my Tia Nani's house
3. We don't eat a real meal, just snack foods (each Tia has a "specialty")
4. Me and my cousin Jessica always separate the presents and decide where each person is going to sit.
5. We always open presents one at a time, from youngest to oldest.
6. We always make wishlists and draw names on Thanksgiving
7. The girls always exchange ornaments
8. On Christmas day my Tia Lala always makes a lunch for us in Amarillo
9. After lunch we usually go watch a movie or play board games at her house.
10. It's always always always loud fun and there's an abundance of love.
I feel so blessed to have the family I have, we're crazy and annoying and dysfunctional, but we all love each other and make every get together so much fun.

Anyways, tomorrow morning John and I head out back to Borger, with a pit stop in El Reno for lunch with my dad. I can't wait to be HOME.

Also, this is for Sawah.
I've missed you a lot this semester, it's really taken some getting used to. I can't wait to cuddle with you and re teach you social norms (not that you've ever had them anyway). I can't wait to fully catch you up on everything. I know you've done some great things where you are and you want to stay and leave all at the same time. And for my own selfish reasons, I'm jealous. I miss your pretty face and infectious laugh. I can't wait for you to be home. Call me as soon as you get there, I need to hear your voice and know that you're back on my side of the world. (I have a new number p.s). Thanks for letting me be in charge of Good Shep this year, it was challenging and intimidating and so much fun, but it misses you. Come home and come home safely. I miss you so so so so so so so so much.

Merry Christmas everyone!!!!